Practice Areas

Practice Areas

All of our lawyers have chosen to practice personal injury law because they care about securing justice for serious accident victims and their families. Regardless of what happened or who you think may have been to blame, if you have been injured and would like to know more about your rights, we invite you to contact us for a free initial consultation.

Serious injuries can happen anywhere and at any time. At Accident Aide our lawyers are experienced and knowledgeable in handling a wide array of serious injury cases, including:

In detail…auto accidents

Motor vehicle accidents impact people’s lives in ways we can’t predict. Most of the expenses associated with a car accident aren’t medical—meaning your health insurance won’t cover them. Victims of car accidents should get full and fair compensation for their injuries. The best way to secure your future is to connect with an experienced car accident attorney.

Even if your health insurance covers your health expenses immediately after the accident, what if you require long-term care? What if you need ongoing treatment for pain relief or to maintain mobility? Who will pay for groceries and shelter while you’re unable to work?.

After being injured in a car accident, you may not know what to do or who to call. It is a lot to handle on your own. Don’t struggle through the process alone. Call an experienced car accident lawyer, let them help you get on the road to recovery.

In detail…personal injury

Personal injury lawyers represent people throughout the United States who have been seriously injured or killed by the negligent, reckless, or intentional actions of others. We will work to ensure that those responsible for your injuries are held accountable, and we will fight for you to be compensated for the emotional, physical, and monetary damages you have suffered. Let’s help you get in touch with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

By filing a personal injury claim, you can hold the person or entity responsible and accountable for their negligence.

A personal injury lawyer understands the tremendous physical, emotional, and financial burdens that you face, and will work tirelessly to secure the compensation an injured party deserves.

In detail…work place accidents

If you have suffered a workplace injury, you are entitled to compensation for your financial losses. If your injury was caused by the negligent behavior of another party, you may also be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering. Our workplace injury attorneys have extensive experience representing clients who have suffered serious workplace injuries. Unfortunately accidents in the workplace are not unusual. They range from simple slip and fall accidents to major plant explosions. Severe injuries, whether at work or somewhere else, can cause major disruption in your life.

For many workplace accidents, there may be multiple sources of compensation in addition to workers’ compensation.

Workplace injury lawyers want to make the world a better place, and will take actions that encourage companies to make changes in their conduct that will prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.

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Let's Talk!

From car accidents to slip and falls, we have the knowledge and expertise to handle any case from start to finish. Don't let the stress of medical bills and lost wages add to your pain and suffering. Trust us to be your advocate and let us help you get your life back on track.
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