Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

It could have been just a “bump on the head,” or it could have been an accident where your head met something hard with great force. A blow to the head can leave you with more than a headache. After a fall or other accident, you may have experienced something more. If you have received and traumatic brain injury from the fault of another, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact our traumatic brain injury lawyer team today to start your claim.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) results from a force strong enough to cause the brain to shake around violently inside the skull, causing brain damage. Bleeding inside the brain is one of TBI's most common and serious symptoms but may not be noticed for hours or days. For instance, blood flowing into the braincase puts pressure on the brain and can cause damage if not found and stopped quickly. Of course, the first step after such an accident is immediate medical treatment. The next step is to find the right traumatic brain injury lawyer by reaching out to us.

Circumstances That Can Lead To A TBI

Any type of accident can lead to a traumatic brain injury:
A patient can have complications immediately following the injury, such as a stroke, coma, brain infections, blood clots, and nerve damage. Other injuries can accompany TBI, such as neck and spinal injuries, broken bones, and lacerations.

Long-Term Effects Of TBI

This will depend on the accident's severity and treatment directly after the accident. Someone who suffers a TBI will need time to heal and may require inpatient hospital treatments. Even with medical treatment, some patients continue to have lingering effects after their accident, including:
The psychological impact of a TBI may make it difficult for someone to return to work or engage in social functioning. Both can lead to social isolation and a lower quality of life.

Evidence Is Critical

Another party's first defense is that a TBI is due to a previously existing medical condition. To combat their defense, a TBI attorney will gather evidence, including:
The attorney you hire will investigate the accident that led to your traumatic brain injury and determine the party who bears liability. We utilize all the resources available to locate relevant evidence to build your claim for the insurance company and, if necessary, a lawsuit filed by your traumatic brain injury lawyer.


This money is intended to compensate a victim for losses in an accident case. The damages can be considerable for someone who has suffered a traumatic brain injury. Damages generally fall into two categories, economic and non-economic. Both can be sought in an insurance claim. Punitive damages are only available through a lawsuit.
Economic damages include:
Non-economic damages include:
Punitive damages are awarded in cases where injuries are caused by someone’s negligence or other malicious or fraudulent activity. It’s intended to be a punishment against the other party and deter others from the same type of actions. Hire the best traumatic injury lawyer today by reaching out to us.

Why It’s Important To Hire A TBI Attorney Immediately

Whether it’s you or a loved one who’s experienced a traumatic brain injury after an accident, legal representation is vital. If someone else is responsible for your TBI, we can hold them responsible for the damages they’ve caused and the following expenses.
The first step is filing an insurance claim with the other party’s carrier. But insurance companies are in business to make money, not paying claims. They would rather deny your claim or pay the most minor settlement they can get away with. If you say or do something wrong, your claim can sink before you even file.
Most legal cases are challenging to handle without an attorney. Filing deadlines, documentation, and evidence are just some essential parts of building your case. Handling your case without the skills and experience of a TBI attorney can ruin your chances of an optimized settlement.
Working with a TBI attorney can help you recover the compensation you deserve, including damages to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Our attorneys can deal with the insurance companies on your behalf and ensure you’re treated fairly.

Get Help With A TBI

Our traumatic brain injury attorneys are ready to represent you and seek out the maximum compensation you need and deserve. A specialized traumatic brain injury lawyer will make all the difference in your case. We can help you take the opportunity to hold the negligent party liable for their actions. Because we understand TBI, we know the obstacles you face during recovery. We believe our job is to make the process easy for you so you can get through it and move forward.
Contact us today if you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury and needs help. We’ll schedule your free consultation and let you know how we can help.
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