
Auto insurance companies don't give money away. They're going to pinch pennies whenever they can. It doesn't matter how long that you've been with a particular insurer or whether your brother-in-law is your agent, If an insurance company can walk away from a claim by paying as little as possible or even nothing on it, that's exactly what it's going to do. Some bicycle accidents are caused by motorists who are uninsured. If you were in that situation and you were injured, don't let your own insurance company try to walk away from compensating you for your injuries and damages. It's entirely possible that you can still receive compensation. You might even be able to do that if you were the injured victim of a hit-and-run. Contact a bicycle accident lawyer today.

Get Covered

Uninsured motorist insurance is available in every state in the country. In some states the coverage is mandatory, and in others it's optional. According to the Insurance Information Institute, on a national level about one out of every eight drivers are uninsured. In Florida, that number exceeds 26%.  Several other states exceed 20%. Whether uninsured motorist insurance is mandatory or optional in your state, you'll want as much of the coverage as you can afford.

Who is Covered?

Once you have uninsured motorist insurance, you might not be the only person who is covered by it. Blood relatives who are residents of your household might be also be covered as cyclists, pedestrians, or even as skateboarders. Here are some of the damages that are typically covered by uninsured motorist insurance:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Any permanent disfigurement or permanent partial disability
  • Pain and suffering that the claimant endured
  • Loss of enjoyment of a normal life
  • Wrongful death if a fatality occurs

Underinsured Motorist Insurance

Most people don't realize that underinsured motorist insurance might be packed into their uninsured motorist insurance. This coverage offers protection against damages suffered in an accident that was caused by a driver who didn't have sufficient coverage for your injuries and damages. Most often, those people are drivers who are riding on state mandatory minimum liability insurance. For example, if a driver was covered by a bare minimum of $25,000 of liability insurance, but you suffered $100,000 of damages, you can make that excess claim for the difference through your own insurance if you had underinsured motorist coverage in the appropriate amount.

Document Everything

There are certain things that you must do to preserve your rights after being injured by an uninsured or hit-and-run driver. A quick summary follows:

  • Immediately report the crash to 911
  • Ask that both police and paramedics be sent to the scene
  • Don't get talked out of that under any circumstances
  • Seek immediate medical treatment at a local emergency room
  • Follow all instructions upon discharge
  • Contact your insurer right away and advise its representative that you were in an accident that was caused by an uninsured or hit-and-run driver
  • Consult with a qualified and experienced bicycle accident lawyer

If you carry uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance, it's going to be there when you need it. Your insurance company is going to do whatever it can to avoid paying you a penny, though. You'll be required to jump through several hoops, and you'll encounter considerable resistance along the way. The best way to preserve your rights is to follow the steps outlined above and make a call to arrange for a free consultation with a respected and dedicated bicycle accident lawyer. Contact a bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible after you or a family member were injured in an accident that was caused by an uninsured or hit-and-run driver.

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